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SCI-FI - Animation Shorts

SCI-FI - Animation Shorts M

Imagined worlds, alien beings, dystopic futures, intricate robotics – all brought to life, and given heart, by this community of global animators. This session is rated MA (Mature themes; Mild Fantasy Violence) This session contains some sequences that may cause discomfort to photosensitive viewers. ECHOES OF BIRDSONG (Dir: Luis Melo ; Portugal; 4.10 mins) A family visits an alien holiday spot in this rapturous melding of funk, science-fiction, surrealism and pop art. LANGUAGE OF SHAPES (Dir: Samantha Moore; U.K.; 6.09 mins) A young girl with a stomach upset enters a microscopic world and aids the defenders of her cells in a fight against the invading bacteria. BIG WORLD Episode 1: PARKING TICKET (Dir: Deon Hickey; Australia; 9.51 mins) Helen deals with a parking ticket in a world of aliens, spaceships and flying cars. THE DAYS THAT (NEVER) WERE (Dirs: Pedro Rivero, Kevin Iglesias Rodríguez; Spain; 11 mins) Three characters are about to have the best time of their lives ... until a strange phenomenon appears to interrupt everything. HARMONICHAOS (Dir: Dave Vertigan; Australia; 6.10 mins) Alien life-forms, toxic waste, radiation – then things turn really ugly, in this speculation on the future of life on earth. MY LIFE AS A PIECE OF SPACE DEBRIS (Dir: Damien Donnelly; Ireland; 4.00 mins) Did you ever stop and think what life is like for a piece of Space Debris? RED GAIA (Dir: Udesh Chetty; USA; 12.50 mins) A lone android, desperately guarding the last essences of life, finds her own soul hanging in the balance. DRIFTER (Dir: Joost Jansen; Belgium; 14.54 mins) An astronaut, detached from his space station, drifts into an infinite void throughout the universe. EL VIAJERO (Dir: Fabio Bonvicini; Spain; 7 mins) Uutilising images of the Marseille tarot, this hallucinatory journey envisions a future world filled with timeless paradises full of dying gods. CAMOUFLAGE (Dir: Remco Polman; Netherlands; 19:53) Office clerk Amouf tries to hold his life together following the rise to power of De Jager, a hate-instigating vigilante. THE SPRAYER (Dir: Farnoush Abedi; Iran; 9.00 mins) In the land occupied with the sprayers army, no one has the right to grow any kind of plants. An idealistic soldier finds a seed and his curiosity is just the beginning of something extraordinary, something revolutionary…
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Running Time:

105 mins

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